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Central African Republic
The Central African Republic (CAR), formerly known as Ubangi-Shari, is a landlocked country in Central Africa. It is bordered by Chad to the north, Sudan to the northeast, South Sudan to the east, the Democratic Republic of the Congo to the south, the Republic of the Congo to the southwest, and Cameroon to the west. Bangui is the country's capital and largest city, bordering the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The Central African Republic covers a land area of about 620,000 square kilometres (240,000 sq mi). As of 2024, it has a population of 5,357,744, and is in the scene of a civil war, which has been ongoing since 2012. As a former French colony, French is the official language, with Sango, a Ngbandi-based creole language as the national and co-official language.
The Central African Republic mainly consists of Sudano-Guinean savannas, but the country also includes a Sahelo-Sudanian zone in the north and an equatorial forest zone in the south. Two-thirds of the country is within the Ubangi River basin (which flows into the Congo), while the remaining third lies in the basin of the Chari, which flows into Lake Chad.
What is today the Central African Republic has been inhabited since at least 8,000 BCE... [أكثر]
- الاخير : 97,612.52-
- عالي : 97,725.60-
- منخفض : 97,473.62-
- ماكس تذبذب : 148.26-
- ماكس تذبذب ٪ : 0.14%-
- افتح : 97,625.05-
- زمن : 05:12:24-
- في الامس : 97,540.96-
- يتغيرون ٪ : 0.07%-
- يتغيرون : 71.56-

- الاخير : 2,883.18-
- عالي : 2,886.17-
- منخفض : 2,877.21-
- ماكس تذبذب : --
- ماكس تذبذب ٪ : --
- افتح : --
- زمن : 15 Feb-
- في الامس : 2,883.18-
- يتغيرون ٪ : 0%-
- يتغيرون : 0-

- الاخير : 70.74-
- عالي : 70.89-
- منخفض : 70.52-
- ماكس تذبذب : --
- ماكس تذبذب ٪ : --
- افتح : --
- زمن : 15 Feb-
- في الامس : 70.57-
- يتغيرون ٪ : 0.24%-
- يتغيرون : 0.17-

- الاخير : 0.9533-
- عالي : 0.9534-
- منخفض : 0.9527-
- ماكس تذبذب : --
- ماكس تذبذب ٪ : --
- افتح : --
- زمن : 15 Feb-
- في الامس : 0.9533-
- يتغيرون ٪ : 0%-
- يتغيرون : 0-
تنبؤات المؤشرات الاقتصادية
Indicator | Last | Time | Previous | Metric |
Corruption Index |
24 | 24 Dec | 24 | Points |
Corruption Rank |
149 | 24 Dec | 149 | |
Currency |
625 | 25 Feb | 627 | |
Current Account |
-58 | 23 Dec | -99 | XAF Billion |
Current Account to GDP |
-8.5 | 23 Dec | -12.2 | percent of GDP |
2.56 | 23 Dec | 2.38 | USD Billion |
GDP Annual Growth Rate |
1 | 23 Dec | 0.5 | percent |
GDP per Capita |
357 | 23 Dec | 365 | USD |
GDP per Capita PPP |
1019 | 23 Dec | 1039 | USD |
Government Budget |
-3.7 | 23 Dec | -5.4 | percent of GDP |
Government Debt to GDP |
55.7 | 23 Dec | 54.2 | percent of GDP |
Inflation Rate |
1.2 | 24 Oct | 1.7 | percent |
Interest Rate |
5 | 25 Jan | 5 | percent |
Military Expenditure |
62.3 | 23 Dec | 42 | USD Million |
Population |
5.74 | 23 Dec | 5.58 | million |
Terrorism Index |
1.45 | 23 Dec | 3.19 | Points |
Unemployment Rate |
6.3 | 23 Dec | 6.3 | percent |
مؤشر | Actual | Q1 | Q2 | Q3 | Q4 | Metric |
Current Account to GDP | -8.5 | -10 | -8.5 | -7 | percent of GDP | |
GDP | 2.56 | 2.63 | 2.72 | 2.82 | USD Billion | USD Billion |
GDP Annual Growth Rate | 1 | 2.8 | percent | |||
GDP per Capita | 357 | 367.42 | 380.28 | 393.59 | USD | USD |
GDP per Capita PPP | 1019 | 1047 | 1084 | 1122 | USD | USD |
Government Budget | -3.7 | -2 | -1.3 | -0.8 | percent of GDP | |
Government Debt to GDP | 55.7 | 54 | 52 | 48 | percent of GDP | |
Inflation Rate | 1.2 | 1.9 | 2.5 | 2.2 | 3 | percent |
Interest Rate | 5 | 5 | 4.5 | 4.5 | 4.5 | percent |
Population | 5.74 | 5 | 5 | million | million | |
Unemployment Rate | 6.3 | 6.3 | percent |