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Malta ( MOL-tə, MAWL-tə, Maltese: [ˈmɐːltɐ]), officially the Republic of Malta, is an island country in Southern Europe located in the Mediterranean Sea, between Sicily and North Africa. It consists of an archipelago 80 km (50 mi) south of Italy, 284 km (176 mi) east of Tunisia, and 333 km (207 mi) north of Libya. The two official languages are Maltese and English. The country's capital is Valletta, which is the smallest capital city in the EU by both area and population. It was also the first World Heritage City in Europe to become a European Capital of Culture in 2018.
With a population of about 542,000 over an area of 316 km2 (122 sq mi), Malta is the world's tenth-smallest country by area and the ninth most densely populated. Various sources consider the country to consist of a single urban region, for which it is often described as a city-state.
Malta has been inhabited since about 5900 BC. Its location in the centre of the Mediterranean has historically given it great geostrategic importance, with a succession of powers having ruled the islands and shaped its culture and society. These include the Phoenicians, Carthaginians, Greeks, and Romans in antiquity; the Arabs, Normans, and Aragonese during ... [أكثر]
- الاخير : 1.0327-
- عالي : 1.0335-
- منخفض : 1.0289-
- ماكس تذبذب : --
- ماكس تذبذب ٪ : --
- افتح : 1.0294-
- زمن : 13:42:15-
- في الامس : -
- يتغيرون ٪ : INF%-
- يتغيرون : 1.0327-
- الاخير : 0.94-
- عالي : 0.9405-
- منخفض : 0.9375-
- ماكس تذبذب : --
- ماكس تذبذب ٪ : --
- افتح : 0.9382-
- زمن : 13:47:49-
- في الامس : -
- يتغيرون ٪ : INF%-
- يتغيرون : 0.94-
Malta Currency Markets
مؤشر | القيمة | السابق | منخفض | عالي | يتغيرون | يتغيرون ٪ | زمن | خريطة |
EUR/MTL Ask | 0.3113 | - | 0.311 | 0.3138 | 0.00 | 0.00% | 2022/06/01 زمن 23:03 | |
GBP/MTL Ask | 0.3586 | - | 0.3586 | 0.3586 | 0.00 | 0.00% | 2019/08/23 زمن 0:00 |
Malta Indices
مؤشر | القيمة | السابق | منخفض | عالي | يتغيرون | يتغيرون ٪ | زمن | خريطة |
MSE | 3790.1 | - | 3790.1 | 3790.1 | 0.00 | 0.00% | 2025/02/08 زمن 22:00 |
Malta Stocks
Malta Bonds
Malta Funds
تنبؤات المؤشرات الاقتصادية
Indicator | Last | Time | Previous | Metric |
Asylum Applications |
40 | 24 Nov | 45 | persons |
Balance of Trade |
-136285 | 24 Nov | -328100 | EUR Thousand |
Bank Lending Rate |
4.67 | 24 Dec | 4.77 | percent |
Business Confidence |
99.3 | 25 Jan | 93 | points |
CPI Housing Utilities |
129 | 24 Dec | 129 | points |
CPI Transportation |
114 | 24 Dec | 114 | points |
Capacity Utilization |
81.4 | 24 Dec | 81.4 | percent |
Capital Flows |
622912 | 24 Sep | 880522 | EUR Thousand |
Car Registrations |
1700 | 24 Sep | 2006 | Units |
Changes in Inventories |
41738 | 24 Sep | 39378 | EUR Thousand |
Consumer Confidence |
3 | 25 Jan | -2.3 | points |
Consumer Credit |
9116 | 24 Dec | 9046 | EUR Million |
Consumer Price Index CPI |
120 | 24 Dec | 120 | points |
Consumer Spending |
2322332 | 24 Sep | 2143104 | EUR Thousand |
Corporate Tax Rate |
35 | 25 Dec | 35 | percent |
Corruption Index |
51 | 23 Dec | 51 | Points |
Corruption Rank |
55 | 23 Dec | 54 | |
Credit Rating |
75 | 25 Feb | ||
Currency |
1.03 | 25 Feb | 1.04 | |
Current Account |
451237 | 24 Sep | 406510 | EUR Thousand |
Current Account to GDP |
6.4 | 23 Dec | -0.8 | percent of GDP |
Electric Car Registrations |
445 | 24 Dec | 146 | Units |
Electricity Production |
165 | 24 Nov | 167 | Gigawatt-hour |
Employed Persons |
288030 | 24 Aug | 288325 | |
Employment Change |
1 | 24 Sep | 0.8 | percent |
Employment Rate |
80.3 | 24 Sep | 78.4 | percent |
Exports |
508979 | 24 Nov | 514400 | EUR Thousand |
External Debt |
186141 | 24 Sep | 184705 | EUR Million |
External Debt to GDP |
842 | 24 Sep | 852 | percent of GDP |
Fiscal Expenditure |
1929 | 24 Jun | 1801 | EUR Million |
Food Inflation |
2 | 24 Dec | 3.4 | percent |
Foreign Direct Investment |
9907 | 24 Sep | 9631 | EUR Million |
Full Time Employment |
284 | 24 Sep | 277 | Thousand |
Full Year GDP Growth |
5.6 | 23 Dec | 8.1 | percent |
20.96 | 23 Dec | 20.96 | USD Billion |
GDP Annual Growth Rate |
4.9 | 24 Sep | 8 | percent |
GDP Constant Prices |
4998063 | 24 Sep | 4810746 | EUR Thousand |
GDP Deflator |
118 | 24 Sep | 118 | points |
GDP Growth Rate |
0.4 | 24 Jun | 2.2 | percent |
GDP per Capita |
31190 | 23 Dec | 30761 | USD |
GDP per Capita PPP |
57230 | 23 Dec | 56443 | USD |
Gasoline Prices |
1.39 | 25 Jan | 1.39 | USD/Liter |
Gold Reserves |
0.19 | 24 Dec | 0.19 | Tonnes |
Government Budget |
-4.5 | 23 Dec | -5.2 | percent of GDP |
Government Budget Value |
115 | 24 Jun | -45.4 | EUR Million |
Government Debt to GDP |
47.4 | 23 Dec | 49.4 | percent of GDP |
Government Revenues |
1985 | 24 Jun | 1693 | EUR Million |
Government Spending |
814050 | 24 Sep | 801726 | EUR Thousand |
Government Spending to GDP |
38.4 | 23 Dec | 39.4 | percent of GDP |
Gross Fixed Capital Formation |
854419 | 24 Sep | 856708 | EUR Thousand |
Gross National Product |
5163470 | 24 Sep | 4985699 | EUR Thousand |
Harmonised Consumer Prices |
120 | 25 Jan | 120 | points |
Harmonised Inflation Rate MoM |
-0.6 | 25 Jan | -0.4 | percent |
Harmonised Inflation Rate YoY |
1.7 | 25 Jan | 1.8 | percent |
Home Ownership Rate |
74.7 | 23 Dec | 82.6 | percent |
House Price Index YoY |
6.9 | 24 Sep | 6.9 | percent |
Housing Index |
165 | 24 Sep | 163 | points |
Imports |
645264 | 24 Nov | 842500 | EUR Thousand |
Industrial Production |
14.3 | 24 Dec | 13.5 | percent |
Industrial Production Mom |
7.1 | 24 Nov | -0.9 | percent |
Inflation Rate |
1.8 | 24 Dec | 2.1 | percent |
Inflation Rate MoM |
-0.4 | 24 Dec | -3.2 | percent |
Interest Rate |
2.9 | 25 Jan | 3.15 | percent |
Labor Force Participation Rate |
82.9 | 24 Sep | 81.1 | percent |
Labour Costs |
127 | 24 Sep | 129 | points |
Loans to Private Sector |
4826 | 24 Dec | 4923 | EUR Million |
Long Term Unemployment Rate |
0.7 | 24 Sep | 0.7 | percent |
Manufacturing Production |
14.2 | 24 Nov | 6.9 | percent |
Military Expenditure |
113 | 23 Dec | 78.3 | USD Million |
Minimum Wages |
961 | 25 Jun | 961 | EUR/Month |
Mining Production |
-14.7 | 24 Dec | -26.5 | percent |
Money Supply M0 |
1876 | 24 Dec | 1855 | EUR Million |
Money Supply M1 |
23946 | 24 Dec | 23775 | EUR Million |
Money Supply M2 |
28491 | 24 Dec | 28329 | EUR Million |
Money Supply M3 |
28489 | 24 Dec | 28326 | EUR Million |
Natural Gas Imports |
2445 | 24 Dec | 0 | Terajoule |
Part Time Employment |
32.5 | 24 Sep | 30.6 | Thousand |
Personal Income Tax Rate |
35 | 25 Dec | 35 | percent |
Population |
0.56 | 24 Dec | 0.54 | Million |
Private Sector Credit |
14772 | 24 Dec | 14715 | EUR Million |
Producer Prices |
108 | 24 Dec | 108 | points |
Producer Prices Change |
0.2 | 24 Dec | -0.3 | percent |
Productivity |
109 | 24 Sep | 113 | points |
Residential Property Prices |
6.99 | 24 Jun | 6.72 | Percent |
Retail Sales MoM |
0.5 | 24 Dec | 0.9 | percent |
Retail Sales YoY |
4.5 | 24 Dec | 4.2 | percent |
Retirement Age Men |
64 | 25 Dec | 64 | Years |
Retirement Age Women |
64 | 25 Dec | 64 | Years |
Stock Market |
3800 | 25 Feb | 3806 | points |
Tourist Arrivals |
262896 | 24 Nov | 355561 | |
Unemployed Persons |
1115 | 24 Dec | 1067 | |
Unemployment Rate |
3.1 | 24 Sep | 3.2 | percent |
Wages |
1964 | 24 Sep | 1942 | EUR/Month |
Youth Unemployment Rate |
10.5 | 24 Dec | 10.6 | percent |
مؤشر | Actual | Q1 | Q2 | Q3 | Q4 | Metric |
Bank Lending Rate | 4.67 | 4.42 | 3.92 | 3.92 | 3.67 | percent |
Consumer Confidence | 3 | -8 | -12 | -6 | -4 | points |
Consumer Credit | 9116 | 8801 | 9031 | 9237 | 9390 | EUR Million |
Consumer Price Index CPI | 120 | 120.92 | 122.09 | 122.16 | 122.82 | points |
Consumer Spending | 2322332 | 2123966 | 2218113 | 2405936 | 2392002 | EUR Thousand |
Currency | 1.03 | 1.03 | 1.02 | 1.02 | 1.01 | |
Current Account to GDP | 6.4 | 2.5 | 2.3 | 2.2 | percent of GDP | |
Food Inflation | 2 | 2.9 | 2.9 | 3 | 2.4 | percent |
Full Year GDP Growth | 5.6 | 4 | percent | |||
GDP | 20.96 | 21.8 | 22.56 | 23.35 | USD Billion | USD Billion |
GDP Annual Growth Rate | 4.9 | 3 | 3.5 | 3.6 | 3 | percent |
GDP Constant Prices | 4998063 | 4726010 | 4979122 | 5177993 | 5148005 | EUR Thousand |
GDP Deflator | 118 | 117.92 | 120.32 | 120.58 | 120.47 | points |
GDP Growth Rate | 0.4 | 0.7 | 0.6 | 0.6 | 0.6 | percent |
GDP per Capita | 31190 | 32437 | 33573 | 34748 | USD | USD |
GDP per Capita PPP | 57230 | 59519 | 61603 | 63759 | USD | USD |
Gasoline Prices | 1.39 | 1.38 | 1.4 | 1.42 | 1.44 | USD/Liter |
Government Budget | -4.5 | -4.1 | -4.1 | percent of GDP | ||
Government Debt to GDP | 47.4 | 57.2 | 57.2 | percent of GDP | ||
Government Spending to GDP | 38.4 | 38.1 | 38.1 | percent of GDP | ||
Gross Fixed Capital Formation | 854419 | 838364 | 886693 | 885178 | 880052 | EUR Thousand |
Gross National Product | 5163470 | 4594508 | 5160198 | 5349355 | 5318374 | EUR Thousand |
Industrial Production | 14.3 | 1.6 | -4.3 | 3.2 | 4.5 | percent |
Inflation Rate | 1.8 | 2.5 | 2.4 | 2.3 | 2.2 | percent |
Interest Rate | 2.9 | 2.65 | 2.15 | 2.15 | 1.9 | percent |
Loans to Private Sector | 4826 | 4837 | 5004 | 5000 | 4971 | EUR Million |
Long Term Unemployment Rate | 0.7 | 0.9 | 1.1 | 0.7 | 0.6 | percent |
Population | 0.56 | 0.56 | 0.56 | Million | Million | |
Producer Prices | 108 | 113.27 | 112.42 | 111.17 | 109.42 | points |
Producer Prices Change | 0.2 | 4.3 | 4.1 | 2.9 | 1 | percent |
Retail Sales YoY | 4.5 | 1.5 | 1.5 | 1.5 | 2 | percent |
Stock Market | 3800 | 3725 | 3692 | 3658 | 3626 | points |
Unemployment Rate | 3.1 | 3.3 | 3.5 | 3.1 | 3 | percent |
Youth Unemployment Rate | 10.5 | 10.7 | 10.9 | 10.5 | 10.4 | percent |